Here are some professional goals:
- Use LinkedIn more. It appears more like facebook in its features and who you can interact with others, so this should be interesting to use this kind of like another facebook applications
- Develop my social network even more. This means encouraging myself to be more outgoing, making connections with others, and foster those connections
- Email people more. This is part of the above goal, but one of the biggest advice I got to developing a social network is to email people you’re interested in. Email them about their research, how it ties into mine. I need to be more outgoing about this.
- Get a research internship. Seriously, it’s the best time for me to do so.
- Write more about my HCI experiences.There’s a few ideas in my head about research that I don’t plan to pursue right away, but are interesting nonetheless.
- Get Qualified! Actively working on that at the moment!